An interview with a Catholic millennial on faith and animal protection
StartFragmentRebecca is a first year student at Sonoma State University where she is majoring in philosophy.EndFragment What prompted you...

An Open Letter to America Magazine
An Open Letter to America Magazine | This letter is in response to America Magazine's decision to publish an article glorifying the cruel...

The Choices I Make
The Choices I Make Years ago, I savored every page of Barbara Kingsolver’s “Prodigal Summer” because it challenged my prejudices. A major...

Theologian Charles Camosy: Time to Consider Personhood of Some Animals
Theologian Charles Camosy: Time to Consider Personhood of Some Animals Recently, I sat down with Charles Camosy, Associate Professor of...

How to get your Meatless Lent started!
How to get your Meatless Lent started! Why should you and your religious community consider adopting a plant-based diet during Lent?...

Ending the Cruel Wildlife Trade
Ending the Cruel Wildlife Trade | We are currently in the midst of the greatest extinction crisis since the dinosaurs. Experts estimate...

Can Catholics Commit to Reducing Our Meat Consumption?
I just returned from the St. Francis Alliance retreat, where I learned more about Catholic teaching on care of animals and the ways that...

Women Religious Say Vote Yes on Question 3
Women Religious Say Vote Yes on Question 3 | StartFragment The Saint Francis Alliance: Faithful Voices for Animals applauds the public...