Frequently Asked Questions
Why did St. Francis Alliance form?
St. Francis Alliance formed to foster faith-based dialogue and action for those wishing to prevent the abuse of and improve the well being of God’s animals entrusted to our care. We seek to encourage spiritual nourishment for those working to or desiring to care for animals in the context of faith, as well as to provide helpful resources for faithful action on an individual and communal basis.
Is St. Francis Alliance affiliated with a any diocese or other organization?
We are partnered with Catholic Concern for Animals, a British ministry under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool. In addition, when providing information on Church doctrine, we consult a Roman Catholic priest well- versed in official Church teaching on care for creation matters to help ensure that information is accurate and Orthodox.
Is St. Francis Alliance for Catholics only?
No. While Catholic social teaching and theology inspired our formation and are central to our purpose, we welcome those from all denominations and faiths interested in joining us in the spirit of interreligious dialogue. We have worked to partner with and support the work of other faith-based organizations focusing on animal issues or willing to engage in these discussions.
Does St. Francis Alliance care about issues impacting human beings?
Absolutely. We affirm that all humans have the unique dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God, and oppose everything that destroys, abuses, disrespects, or neglects human life or dignity in any way. We insist that caring for animals can help us show greater respect toward other human beings and the rest of creation. We act against our unique dignity when we abuse animals, needlessly contribute to their extinction due to environmental destruction, or otherwise subject them to cruelty. One will often find that when animals and the rest of creation is neglected and abused, humans are neglected and abused, especially the poor. We resist what Pope Francis calls the 'throwaway culture,' in all its forms, whether it applies to humans, animals, or the environment."
How can I get involved?
At present, we are powered by the efforts of volunteers. We welcome the talents and interest of others who would like to get involved, either by participating in our teleconferences, attending our events, or taking a more active role in planning activities or otherwise supporting our organization. Feel free to send a note indicating your interest and ideas to lizholtz@gmail.com.