Exploring Animal Issues in the Context of Faith
CreatureKind, a faith-based organization that works to help Christians live out Christ's mercy and compassion, offers a six-week course that helps Christians think about what their faith means for animals. It uses video, short readings, and dialogue to help people live out their beliefs.
"Every Living Thing: How Pope Francis Evangelicals and Other Christian Leaders Are Inspiring All of Us to Care for Animals" is a collection of the latest Christian teachings on caring for animals. Published by the Humane Society of the United States, this book is a great resource for group reflection and discussion. Order a copy here.
For Love of Animals is a short book by Catholic Moral Theologian, Charles Camosy, that examines our responsibility to animals as Christians. It's a great resource for group study and reflection.
Other Books and Readings
The Green Bible, edited by Zondervan
The Green Bible Devotional: A Book of Daily Readings, edited by Harper Bibles
Animal Theology, Reverend Andrew Linzey
The School of Compassion: A Roman Catholic Theology of Animals, Deborah M. Jones
Will I See My Dog In Heaven, Father Jack Wintz
On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology, Stephen H. Webb
Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer
The 30-Day Vegan Challenge: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Healthfully and Living Compassionately, Colleen Patrick-Godreau
Do Unto Animals: A Friendly Guide to How Animals Live, and How We Can Make Their Lives Better, Tracey Stewart
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease, Michael Greger, M.D.
Ten Commandments for the Environment: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice, Pope Benedict XVI